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Citadel library

Our finely curated selection of books from the Arch Maester himself. These books will help to build your character and skills towards a more successful life. 


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Simon Sinek is one of the preeminent thought leaders in organisational leadership today. You can expect to see me recommend his books many more times in the future, such as Start With Why and The Infinite Game. 

For me, this is THE book on modern leadership, and it'd be amazing if any people manager were required to read it. Sinek gives a rundown on the biochemistry of effective leadership and psychological safety, how to build empathy and trust, and why overly hierarchical leadership can lead to disasters such as plane crashes. 

I love Sinek's talent for storytelling, which I feel is on a par with that of Malcolm Gladwell. We hear heartwarming tales about police outreach programs in New Jersey, and the way Costco prioritises employee retention and pay, even in times of economic and business hardship. 

The courage to lead is so important in this modern day and age, and this is a brilliant primer on what it really takes. 


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